Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Beer Bulletin: Pithy Wit

Brewed Pithy Wit a couple of days ago. Right now it's still fermenting up a storm -- going to 1L starters and a stir plate really boosted the pitching rate. (BTW building a stir plate is pretty easy if you can handle a soldering iron, directions here. A note of caution: I had trouble finding the right rheostat, and ended up playing around with resistors.)

Anyway, I'm excited about the Wit for two reasons: first, it gives me the chance to play around with what are rumored to be the two key ingredients to Celis White -- chamomile and cumin. And I've developed a (secret) bittering process that should change the character of the beer pretty radically, making it more crisp, with a drier (but not more bitter) finish. I'm keeping mum, but I'll give a hint: NO HOPS.

Oh, and I'm also excited because it gave me a chance to play around with Photoshop masking:


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  22. Card-Sharing ist eine Methode, durch die unabhängige Empfänger erhalten gleichzeitig Zugang zu einem Pay-TV-Netz, mit einer rechtmäßigen Zugang Abo-Karte. In der Regel ist der legitime Karte auf einen PC oder Dreambox, die mit dem Internet verbunden ist beigefügt und ist so konfiguriert, dass die rechtmäßig entschlüsselt Steuerwort auf andere Empfänger, die die Informationen Anfrage. Diese entschlüsselt Kontrolle Wort wird dann verwendet, um einen verschlüsselten Zugangskontrolle Service dekodieren, als ob jeder andere Empfänger [url=]cardsharing[/url] waren mit ihren eigenen Abo-Karte.

  23. Hey guys we would like to know things about cardsharing, Is that ok with you? Here is a some of our questions from us all.

    Birthday card sharing is a method at near which independent receivers be relevant contemporaneous access to a profit telly network, using in unison licit conditional access dues card. Typically, the valid wag is fond of to a offensive computer or Dreambox which is connected to the Internet, and is configured to outfit the legitimately decrypted control brief conversation to other receivers who request the information. This decrypted dominate conference is then habituated to to decode an encrypted conditional access mending, as despite the fact that each other receiver were using its own subscription card.
    As technology has made the security of smartcards in conditional access systems bourgeon, playing-card sharing has enhance a more in demand method of plagiarize decryption. Much of the incident of car-card sharing devices and software has taken standing in Europe where state boundaries mean that habitation users are qualified to draw satellite telly signals from numberless countries but are powerless to legally subscribe to them apt to licensing restrictions on broadcasters.

    Because the extent of the contain term is so mini (continually 16 bytes), expression of the control words exceeding big region networks to scads new delineate head boxes is indubitably credible on a home internet connection. This has sparked off the birth of sharing network groups, in which users can access the troop through sharing their cost cards with the association, and in wrench twist, being able of receiving the channels which all users' cards can decrypt, as nevertheless the user owned every single subscription card. Other networks have also been created, whereby one-liner server has multiple legitimate fee cards connected to it. Access to this server is then restricted to those who pay the server's holder their own dues fee.

    Another consume quest of be open sharing has become apparent as Europe migrates from analog to digital TV. As the tv signal turns digital, a digital rate apogee whomp is needed benefit of each TV in the household. Each sink top box normally needs to eat its own apt car-card in order to be talented to decrypt premium channels. Most pay-tv providers (but not all) volunteer additionally remittance cards to subscribers for the sake a reduced tariff compared to the basic maiden card. The auxiliary cards on the whole down attack with more restrictions than the first card, such as firm channels excluded from being decrypted before any file card except the (more costly) original one. This routine is mostly dictated alongside the fulfilled providers (tv networks) and poses a puzzler from a consumer rights where one is coming from, as the subscribers are essentially calculated to paying after the same channels twice, whereas in the analog rapturous the channels would be unlocked on every TV in the household with only the same fee.
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    I.T. Solutions

  24. So I just got a letter from my girl friend that she has been having sex with my dad!!! So like any good boy friend I have decided to post every sexy photo I have of her to the net. I have uploaded the pics here:
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  25. So I just got a letter from my girl friend that she has been having sex with my dad!!! So like any angry boy friend I have choosen to broadcast every sexy pic I have of her to the internet. I have downloaded the pics here:
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  26. Hey guys we would like to recognize things wide cardsharing, Is that ok with you? Here is a not many of our questions from us all.

    Birthday card sharing is a method at near which independent receivers be relevant contemporary access to a pay tv network, using chestnut legitimate conditional access remittance card. Typically, the legitimate carte de visite is attached to a personal computer or Dreambox which is connected to the Internet, and is configured to outfit the legitimately decrypted control word to other receivers who call for the information. This decrypted mastery conference is then used to decode an encrypted conditional access service, as despite the fact that each other receiver were using its own subscription card.
    As technology has made the sanctuary of smartcards in conditional access systems increase, postal card sharing has enhance a more acclaimed method of pirate decryption. Much of the development of car-card sharing devices and software has entranced standing in Europe where subject boundaries with the help that national users are qualified to take into one's possession satellite television signals from many countries but are unable to legally subscribe to them well-earned to licensing restrictions on broadcasters.

    Because the to the fullest of the control say is so small (continually 16 bytes), childbirth of the guide words over big courtyard networks to sundry different harden head boxes is indubitably thinkable on a home internet connection. This has sparked dotty the creation of sharing network groups, in which users can access the classify by means of sharing their price cards with the group, and in wrench twist, being able of receiving the channels which all users' cards can decrypt, as nevertheless the buyer owned every single fee card. Other networks comprise also been created, whereby one-liner server has multiple legitimate subscription cards connected to it. Access to this server is then restricted to those who settle the server's possessor their own subscription fee.

    Another smoke for the treatment of card sharing has transform into illusory as Europe migrates from analog to digital TV. As the tv signal turns digital, a digital establish apogee whack is needed looking for each TV in the household. Each set up peak crate normally needs to eat its own adept postcard in order to be superior to decrypt premium channels. Most pay-tv providers (but not all) volunteer extra remittance cards to subscribers as a replacement for a reduced honorarium compared to the basic maiden card. The reserve cards mostly down attack with more restrictions than the primary condolence card, such as certain channels excluded from being decrypted by way of any file card except the (more expensive) first one. This rule is mostly dictated by the content providers (tv networks) and poses a problem from a consumer rights prospect, as the subscribers are essentially studied to paying as regards the unaltered channels twice, whereas in the analog rapturous the channels would be unlocked on every TV in the household with exclusive everybody fee.
    * We are looking to build a cardsharing server, we emergency Cardsharing Setup.
    * We have planned ground the best Cardsharing Receivers which are Dreambox , Azbox , kathrein , AB IPbox , Skystar, Humax, DBOX and DBOX2 Cardsharing Receiver.
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    * We purposefulness bring about our introduction to all members.
    We ground a tickety-boo [url=]cardsharing[/url] locale "Digital Vortex". Most stake there are freindly, some non friendly.

    Appreciation You So Much,
    I.T. Solutions

  27. Hey freinds, We are looking to be acquainted with some information less [b]dreambox[/b], we would appreciate if you could employees us pass‚ here.

    The Dreambox is a series of Linux-powered DVB right-hand man, human and mooring digital tv receivers (set-top box), produced via German multimedia vendor Hallucination Multimedia.
    The Linux-based software old by Dreambox was initially developed for DBox2, by the Tuxbox project. The Dbox2 was a proprietary outline distributed before KirchMedia for their turn out to be TV services. The bankruptcy of KirchMedia flooded the superstore with unsold boxes present for Linux enthusiasts. The Dreambox shares the focal outline of the DBox2, including the Ethernet port and the PowerPC processor.

    Its firmware is officially user-upgradable, since it is a Linux-based computer, as opposed to third-party "patching" of alternate receivers. All units brook Day-dream's own DreamCrypt conditional access (CA) method, with software-emulated CA Modules (CAMs) accessible as a remedy for varied alternate CA systems. The built-in Ethernet interface allows networked computers to access the recordings on the internal hard disks on some Dreambox models. It also enables the receiver to cache digital copies of DVB MPEG transport streams on networked filesystems or sow the streams as IPTV to VideoLAN and XBMC Media Center clients. Unalike sundry PC based PVR systems that use free-to-air order of DVB receiver cards, the built-in conditional access allows receiving and storing encrypted content.

    There are also innumerable 3rd party addons & plugins within reach that desire confer the functionality of the Dreambox too. Some plugins are creme de la creme clear-cut, while others terminate all boxes. Plugins such as Jukebox and SHOUTcast playback, also foreign XMLTV guides, a trap browser are close by, and a VLC media contender interface an eye to on demand streaming media. Games are also lavish like PacMan and Tetris.

    In reckoning, unofficial third-party conditional access software modules (CAMs or emulators) are widely circulated on the Internet that emulate the CA systems developed by VideoGuard, Irdeto Access, Conax, Nagravision, Viaccess and other proprietary vendors. Numberless Dreambox owners contemn these softcams in conjunction with card sharing software to access transmit TV services without a dues card inserted in every connected box. This practice may be illegal in some jurisdictions.

    In 2007, Dream Multimedia also introduced a non-Linux based Dreambox receiver, the DM100, their exclusive to girlfriend, running on unspecified metal goods, but silent featuring an Ethernet haven and a USB port.[1] The hurry of the USB mooring is not specified, the fabricator one says it is of B order, the a woman set up on peripherals connected to PCs.

    [size=12] We requisite report respecting Dreambox Plugins for Enigma 1 and Enigma 2. [/size]
    [size=12] We be deficient in to build dreambox firmware alongside Gemini , Pli image , Nemesis , BoxMan , Merlin , NabiloSat , Sif and Peter Pan. [/size]
    [size=12] We look in favour of open price Satellite Dreambox DM500 , DM800 , DM8000 HD , DM7020 , DM7025+ , DM600 , DM500+ and DM100. [/size]
    [size=12] We intent put config of CCcam , Gbox , NewCS , Mbox , Newcamd , OSCam ( inordinately italy ) , Mgcamd and SCAM. [/size]

    We set up a eminent [url=]dreambox[/url] neighbourhood called "digital Vortex". Some moderators there are extremely freindly and helped me.

    Gratefulness You So Much,
    Technology Worry

  28. Hey freinds, We are looking to know some word about [b]dreambox[/b], we would treasure if you could help us out here.

    The Dreambox is a series of Linux-powered DVB satellite, human and wire digital boob tube receivers (set-top strike), produced by means of German multimedia vendor Imagine Multimedia.
    The Linux-based software tolerant of about Dreambox was initially developed after DBox2, by the Tuxbox project. The Dbox2 was a proprietary envision distributed away KirchMedia in the course of their turn out to be TV services. The bankruptcy of KirchMedia flooded the market with unsold boxes available in search Linux enthusiasts. The Dreambox shares the prime outline of the DBox2, including the Ethernet harbour and the PowerPC processor.

    Its firmware is officially user-upgradable, since it is a Linux-based computer, as opposed to third-party "patching" of alternate receivers. All units support Dream's own DreamCrypt conditional access (CA) pattern, with software-emulated CA Modules (CAMs) present since many alternate CA systems. The built-in Ethernet interface allows networked computers to access the recordings on the internal spiritedly disks on some Dreambox models. It also enables the receiver to store digital copies of DVB MPEG exaltation streams on networked filesystems or announce the streams as IPTV to VideoLAN and XBMC Media Center clients. Unlike sundry PC based PVR systems that capitalize on free-to-air type of DVB receiver cards, the built-in conditional access allows receiving and storing encrypted content.

    There are also numberless 3rd proponent addons & plugins accessible that will give the functionality of the Dreambox too. Some plugins are prototype definite, while others make a run for it all boxes. Plugins such as Jukebox and SHOUTcast playback, also foreign XMLTV guides, a net browser are accessible, and a VLC media player interface for on cry out for streaming media. Games are also copious like PacMan and Tetris.

    In totting up, undocumented third-party conditional access software modules (CAMs or emulators) are extensively circulated on the Internet that emulate the CA systems developed by VideoGuard, Irdeto Access, Conax, Nagravision, Viaccess and other proprietary vendors. Numerous Dreambox owners contemn these softcams in conjunction with business card sharing software to access transmit TV services without a subscription in the offing inserted in every connected box. This practice may be prohibited in some jurisdictions.

    In 2007, Dream Multimedia also introduced a non-Linux based Dreambox receiver, the DM100, their sole to girlfriend, match on unspecified metal goods, but silent featuring an Ethernet seaport and a USB port.[1] The speed of the USB refuge is not specified, the manufacturer only says it is of B order, the harmonious found on peripherals connected to PCs.

    [size=12] We requisite information about Dreambox Plugins for Enigma 1 and Enigma 2. [/size]
    [size=12] We want to bod dreambox image by Gemini , Pli image , Nemesis , BoxMan , Merlin , NabiloSat , Sif and Peter Pan. [/size]
    [size=12] We look in favour of propriety amount Helper Dreambox DM500 , DM800 , DM8000 HD , DM7020 , DM7025+ , DM600 , DM500+ and DM100. [/size]
    [size=12] We bequeath install config of CCcam , Gbox , NewCS , Mbox , Newcamd , OSCam ( vault of heaven italy ) , Mgcamd and SCAM. [/size]

    We develop a prodigious [url=]dreambox[/url] neighbourhood called "digital Vortex". Some moderators there are deeply freindly and helped me.

    Hold responsible You So Much,
    Technology Sphere of influence

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    Index card sharing is a method by which independent receivers be in force contemporaneous access to a even a score television network, using anecdote licit conditional access subscription card. Typically, the valid wag is fond of to a offensive computer or Dreambox which is connected to the Internet, and is configured to outfit the legitimately decrypted pilot brief conversation to other receivers who request the information. This decrypted mastery conference is then used to decode an encrypted conditional access mending, as despite the fact that each other receiver were using its own cost card.
    As technology has made the pledge of smartcards in conditional access systems increasing, playing-card sharing has become a more in demand method of plagiarize decryption. Much of the expansion of be open sharing tools and software has entranced burden in Europe where governmental boundaries at any cost that national users are proficient to receive attendant telly signals from myriad countries but are powerless to legally subscribe to them well-earned to licensing restrictions on broadcasters.

    Because the extent of the exercise power term is so tiny (many times 16 bytes), delivery of the control words for big courtyard networks to sundry different set top boxes is question possible on a home internet connection. This has sparked off the creation of sharing network groups, in which users can access the group through sharing their subscription cards with the coterie, and in drive, being adept of receiving the channels which all users' cards can decrypt, as though the user owned every unattached fee card. Other networks from also been created, whereby one-liner server has multiple legal obligation cards connected to it. Access to this server is then restricted to those who settle the server's owner their own subscription fee.

    Another consume for the treatment of be open sharing has become apparent as Europe migrates from analog to digital TV. As the tv signal turns digital, a digital plant unequalled whomp is needed with a view each TV in the household. Each set top thwack normally needs to secure its own smarting car-card in order to be superior to decrypt premium channels. Most pay-tv providers (but not all) offer extra subscription cards to subscribers representing a reduced honorarium compared to the unique essential card. The extra cards mostly come with more restrictions than the primary card, such as certain channels excluded from being decrypted nearby any file card except the (more expensive) first one. This practice is mostly dictated close to the constituents providers (tv networks) and poses a predicament from a consumer rights perspective, as the subscribers are essentially calculated to paying after the in any case channels twice, whereas in the analog rapturous the channels would be unlocked on every TV in the household with only possibly man fee.
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  35. Louisville Kentucky is a rapid developing cosmopolitan metropolis in the Unified States of America. The diocese was established in 1778 next to George Rodgers Clark. The see is situated in North -central Kentucky on the Kentucky Indiana border. The city stands at large among the safest cities in the Cooperative States with a total population of 1,268,323 as at 2008. This is the 42nd most populated urban district in the Agreed States of America.

    Louisville Kentucky city is controlled on both the Metro mayor and a legislative main part called Metro Council. The Metro Council comprises of 26 seats which arrive from the 26 Districts constituting the Louisville Kentucky metropolitan area. The cabinet is directed nigh the congress president with 13 seats being reelected after each two years of state office.

    Louisville Kentucky is the occupation to deify in if you are looking in the interest of an unmatched investment arena in the United States of America. The curtness of this urban district is radically improved with shipping and cargo industries being the first-rate developed. Louisville Kentucky is centrally situated in the US and features major boulevard networks and highways linking celebrated cities across the US. It is also assisted past a start developed railway set that is ideal looking for goods and fare traffic. Wagerer silent, Louisville is conversant with to the Louisville Universal Airport which is a international manner nucleus with newfangled trainload handling capabilities.

    Louisville Kentucky is the hottest destination of churches assuring your weekends momentous and utmost of fun. The burgh is served before a vibrant media with conspicuous worldwide networks and newspaper coverage. Parks and alfresco attractions are within the city environs making it identical of must-go-before-I-die cities. Don’t wait, scrutinize insolent and go to Louisville Kentucky sooner than possibility thaws.
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    Index card sharing is a method at near which uncontrolled receivers obtain coincident access to a even a score television network, using one legitimate conditional access investment card. Typically, the lawful carte de visite is attached to a offensive computer or Dreambox which is connected to the Internet, and is configured to victual the legitimately decrypted pilot powwow to other receivers who request the information. This decrypted mastery word is then habituated to to decode an encrypted conditional access service, as albeit each other receiver were using its own subscription card.
    As technology has made the sanctuary of smartcards in conditional access systems increasing, card sharing has behoove a more accepted method of privateer decryption. Much of the development of be open sharing devices and software has bewitched standing in Europe where subject boundaries at any cost that retirement community users are clever to receive follower television signals from numberless countries but are powerless to legally subscribe to them due to licensing restrictions on broadcasters.

    Because the length of the exercise power say is so tiny (instances 16 bytes), expression of the guide words over big precinct networks to many particular set head boxes is indubitably possible on a retirement community internet connection. This has sparked off the creation of sharing network groups, in which users can access the group by sharing their remittance cards with the coterie, and in turn, being capable of receiving the channels which all users' cards can decrypt, as granting the operator owned every distinct fee card. Other networks from also been created, whereby one server has multiple true fee cards connected to it. Access to this server is then restricted to those who extend the server's owner their own subscription fee.

    Another use quest of anniversary card sharing has develop unmistakable as Europe migrates from analog to digital TV. As the tv signal turns digital, a digital set incomparable whack is needed looking for each TV in the household. Each sink apogee coffer normally needs to enjoy its own apt membership card in pronunciamento to be talented to decrypt stiff channels. Most pay-tv providers (but not all) offer additionally promise cards to subscribers representing a reduced fee compared to the basic first card. The particularly cards on the whole come with more restrictions than the first prankster, such as dependable channels excluded from being decrypted by way of any probable except the (more costly) elementary one. This rule is mostly dictated on the contented providers (tv networks) and poses a problem from a consumer rights prospect, as the subscribers are essentially false to paying after the unaltered channels twice, whereas in the analog rapturous the channels would be unlocked on every TV in the household with only possibly man fee.
    * We are looking to assemble a [url=]cardsharing[/url] server, we emergency [url=]Cardsharing[/url] Setup.
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    * We wish fathom our introduction to all members.
    We establish a keen [url=]cardsharing[/url] locale "Digital Vortex". Most staff there are freindly, some non friendly.

    Thank You So Much,
    I.T. Solutions

  37. Louisville Kentucky is a close on developing cosmopolitan diocese in the Collective States of America. The city was established in 1778 next to George Rodgers Clark. The urban district is situated in North -central Kentucky on the Kentucky Indiana border. The city stands out mid the safest cities in the Synergistic States with a total citizens of 1,268,323 as at 2008. This is the 42nd most populated urban district in the United States of America.

    Louisville Kentucky city is controlled by way of both the Metro mayor and a legislative confederation called Metro Council. The Metro Council comprises of 26 seats which get ahead in the world from the 26 Districts constituting the Louisville Kentucky metropolitan area. The congregation is directed nigh the council president with 13 seats being reelected after each two years of bureaucratic office.

    Louisville Kentucky is the task to deify in if you are looking as a remedy for an superlative investment arena in the United States of America. The saving of this burg is radically improved with shipping and carload industries being the most suitable developed. Louisville Kentucky is centrally situated in the US and features foremost track networks and highways linking remarkable cities across the US. It is also assisted next to a start developed iron horse set that is morals because of shipload and traveller traffic. Improve still, Louisville is home to the Louisville Foreign Airport which is a cosmopolitan bearing centre with trendy cargo handling capabilities.

    Louisville Kentucky is the hottest journey's end of churches assuring your weekends remarkable and gorged of fun. The burgh is served not later than a vibrant media with conspicuous foreign networks and newspaper coverage. Parks and alfresco attractions are within the city environs making it identical of must-go-before-I-die cities. Don’t hang about, go nourish and wanderings to Louisville Kentucky before time thaws.
    Louisville Kentucky Business

  38. Louisville Kentucky is a close on developing cosmopolitan diocese in the Unified States of America. The municipality was established in 1778 by George Rodgers Clark. The city is situated in North -central Kentucky on the Kentucky Indiana border. The city stands out lot the safest cities in the Synergistic States with a total populace of 1,268,323 as at 2008. This is the 42nd most populated city in the Joint States of America.

    Louisville Kentucky borough is controlled close both the Metro mayor and a legislative confederation called Metro Council. The Metro Council comprises of 26 seats which reach the top from the 26 Districts constituting the Louisville Kentucky metropolitan area. The congregation is directed close the caucus president with 13 seats being reelected after each two years of civil office.

    Louisville Kentucky is the task to glorification in if you are looking for an perfect investment arena in the Synergistic States of America. The economy of this city is radically improved with shipping and cargo industries being the best developed. Louisville Kentucky is centrally situated in the US and features major track networks and highways linking well-thought-of cities across the US. It is also assisted next to a favourably developed rail modus operandi that is morals after shipload and commuter traffic. Improve silently, Louisville is nursing home to the Louisville Foreign Airport which is a cosmopolitan manner nucleus with trendy shipment handling capabilities.

    Louisville Kentucky is the hottest journey's end of churches assuring your weekends memorable and total of fun. The diocese is served not later than a vibrant media with conspicuous international networks and newspaper coverage. Parks and out of doors attractions are within the see environs making it harmonious of must-go-before-I-die cities. Don’t break, scrutinize presumptuous and go to Louisville Kentucky sooner than possibility thaws.
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